Over the past couple of weeks we've been working on a longer animation project, to have two characters in a scene together for 10-15 seconds. The characters we are working with is a warrior and a dragon, and after planning out how I wanted me scene to be shot, I've started working on animation the characters.
Above is the first few seconds of dragon animation where I've got the model appearing to chase my other character. There are still bits of secondary animation I want work on like how the wings move and the feet. In the later video, I have fixed how the elbows seem to pop due to how far the dragon stretches, and have also paid closer attention to the toes.
This was my second try and making this character run. I've been finding it quite difficult because of the size of the legs and his upper body, although the challenge is welcome. I need to fix my timings for the run as well as the way he slows down at the end.
The final video shows a bit more progress with both the dragon and the man and you can see where they are in the same scene. I've added a few more secondary animations, although I still have a probem with timing on the run I feel.
As well as correcting mistakes, I'll be working more on the next few seconds of my scene over the coming week.
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