Over the past couple of weeks, I've been working with the 3D software Maya. We started simple by moving objects across the screen, and have now excelled onto adding squash and stretch and follow through.
The above video was my first attempt at creating a path for a 3D object. It involved creating a lot of key frames for each bit that needed to move, whether it was through translation or rotation. Some of the movements in this are a bit jerky, especially where the ball changes direction against the wall.
In the next task we had to concentrate on follow through. Not everything moves at the same time or finishes in the same way, and a good way to practice this is by looking at the tail of an animal. If I am to do this task again, I want to add more actions that will make the animal seem more natural. I could also increase the length of it's path, letting it jump around more so that I could maybe test out new movements.
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