Monday, 17 October 2016

Stopmotion - Touching Your Toes

For the first time today I was able to use the stop motion puppets we have available to us. The little guy I had is apparently named after 'The Milkybar Kid', and I suppose I do see a resemblence. The task was to animaate the puppets touching their toes, and I did this multiple times to try and get the best result. All of my outcomes have pros and cons.

This was the perfect opportunity to practice follw through. To do this, I needed to think about how the head would move first, to look down at the ground, then how the arms would follow. Then the body would bend and move

One difficulty I found was keeping the clothes in a similar condition throughout the animation. I had to touch the puppets to move them, and it was very difficult not to edit the shape of their clothing from shot to shot.  

Getting the timing right was also quite difficult. I think attempts two and three are too slow, whereas my last attempt seems to have a better speed. A problem with my last attempt though is how I nudged the camera with my arm halfway through and had to readjust it's position. I continued anyway but I know that I could have started over. In my second attempt I like how the arms swing when they reach the floor.

As well as doing the task, I also tried making the puppet wave and gave it another action of picking up a ball. It's short and simple.

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